Thank you for visiting the official website www. you will find on this page the complete rules and conditions governing the use of this website, in particular concerning personal data processing. Your continued visit of the site will constitute an agreement to comply with these and to respect them.
To report content that are manifestly illicit or undesirable, you can send an e-mail to stating :
• The address of the page in question ;
• The content considerd as illicit ;
• The date of the discovery ;
• Your identity (Name and full contact details).
1. Website layout
This site is published by MOOVING SARL, a company registered with RCS Manosque 343 208 948 share capital of 45 734,71 €.
Head office: 1264 Avenue de Traversetolo 04 700 ORAISON.
VTA identification N°: FR 83343208948
N° tel : +33 (0)4 92 79 77 03
Website creator: Guillaume Barbier –
Director of publication: Guillaume Barbier –
2. Site hosting
1&1 Internet SARL
7, place de la Gare
BP 70109
57201 Sarreguemines Cedex
3. Personal data
The personal data are collected by MOOVING SARL, company registered with RCS Manosque 343 208 948 share capital of 45 734,71 € and whose head office is at 1264 Avenue de Traversetolo 04 700 ORAISON.
The personal data collected and processed mainly concern the management of your order: last names, first names, address, mail, telephone number, IP address, connection, and browsing data, order history, visited products, delivery incidents, claims.
When ordering, the bank data entered in the payment request is collected and retained by our provider Stripe (Certified PCI Service Provider Level 1) or Paypal.
To produce useful statistics, the website owner may also collect some data such as a number of visits and page views. This data is intended for internal use only and will be used by the person or persons in charge of the data processing at MOOVING SARL.
This data allows us to :
– To manage orders ;
– To optimize our services and facilitate browsing ;
– To eventually send your information regarding Ozen ;
– To prevent any risk of fraud on our Website.
The data is kept for ten years, the time necessary for the purpose of which they were recorded.
Access, correction or opposition: According to the provisions of Law n° 78-17 on January 6 1978 « Loi Informatique » relative to computing, files, and liberties, amended by Law n° 2004-801 on August 6 2004, you may exercise your rights for access, correction or opposition by contacting the following services :
MOOVING SARL – OZEN – 1264 Avenue de Traversetolo 04 700 ORAISON
Statement : The processing of data by MOOVING SARL are registered with the C.N.I.L. (Commission Nationale de l’informatique et des libertés) under number 2038548 v 0.
Cookies: MOOVING SARL uses cookies for the purpose of use of the Site, customizing your navigation, or also to enable the saving of your shopping basket. Cookies mean information that is saved on your computer when you visit a web site. They are used to provide information relating to your browsing of the Websites and offer you personalized services.
In your computer, Cookies are managed by your browser. If you do not want us to use cookies, please configure your browser to this effect. To do this, go to the « help » function in most browsers to find out how you can reject these cookies or to notify you when you receive a new cookie.
While you can disable the use of cookies in your web browser, this may prevent you from making use of all of our products and services on the website. These cookies are necessary to the proper functioning of our website as for example to store the products you have added to your cart or access to your account.
It should, however, be noted that your continued use of this Website constitutes your acceptance of such and the duration of your consent is a maximum of thirteen (13) months. If you accept our cookies, they will remain stored in your computer for five (5) years, unless you remove them.
4. Responsibility
The website is to provide information about the whole activity of the company. MOOVING SARL endeavor to ensure that the information provided is as accurate as possible on the website. All the available information on the site are given as an indication. MOOVING SARL, the owner of this Website, is doing its best to ensure the reliability of all the information supplied on the site at the time the information is put online and through the updates. Still, the use and the interpretation of these informations remain in your own exclusive responsibility. MOOVING SARL accepts no responsibility for any damage, direct or indirect, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequences, caused by the access of anyone on the Site, or the impossibility of entering it.
MOOVING SARL reserves the right to develop the content published on this site at any time without notice. MOOVING SARL is not to be held responsible for eventual errors or omissions in the information provided or technical problems encountered on the Site and on all the other sites or third party sites linked to this web site.
5. Intellectual property
MOOVING SARL is the owner of the website. Unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property rights of the elements accessible on the Site are the exclusive property of MOOVING SARL. MOOVING SARL grant no license or right other than that of viewing the Website.
Therefore, without the prior written consent of MOOVING SARL, Any reproduction, in whole or in part, on any medium whatsoever, notably the texts and photos is strictly forbidden. Any reproduction, adaptation, modification, distribution or usage, particularly commercial purposes, of the elements may lead to any appropriate action, including being sued for infringement of intellectual property rights or counterfeiting.
The information databases are protected under the law of July 1st 1998. Thus, any extraction or attempt of extraction, total or partial, of the Website is susceptible to engage the civil and criminal responsibility of any violator. It is thus forbidden to proceed to an extraction qualitatively or quantitatively substantial of the online databases of this website.
6. Acknowledgment